Adopted From China


Adopted From China is an interactive page created for and with Chinese adoptees and those who love them. We’ll be continually adding information, so check back often. We hope you’ll use the comment box below to add your thoughts and suggestions. Among the topics we’ll be covering so far,  you’ll find information on:

adopted from china

  • China gatherings & events
  • China adoption support groups
  • Dating
  • China films
  • Identity
  • China books
  • Adoptee loyalty
  • Fitting in & standing out
  • Chinese language
  • China blogs
  • Birth parent search and reunion in China
  • International adoption resources
  • Race
  • Reflections from Chinese adoptees


We are open and available for covering topics you’d like to hear about as they relate to being adopted from China. Drop us a line below about something we’re talking about, or something you would like us to talk about. We look forward to hearing from you.


Somewhere Between

The film Somewhere Between” follows four teenagers who were adopted from China: Jenna, Haley, Ann, and Fang. These four wise-beyond-their-years, yet typical American teens, reveal a heartbreaking sense of self-awareness as they attempt to answer the uniquely human question, “Who am I?” They meet and bond with other adoptees, some journey back to China to reconnect with the culture, and some reach out to the orphaned girls left behind. In their own ways, all attempt to make sense of their complex identities. Issues of belonging, race, and gender are brought to life through these articulate subjects, who approach life with honesty and open hearts.

Jenna is Jenna Cook, a truly remarkable young woman, who first traveled to China with China Ties. Now, many years and experiences later, Jenna also staffs China Ties. Families who travel with her find her insightful and fun, and a marvelous role model.


Adoptee loyalty tends to play a strong role in an adoptive family, and can strongly influence an adopted person’s response to birth country travel. Yet, quite often at workshops, when we ask for a show of hands as to who understands the concept, only a few hands go up.

Many adoptees feel a loyalty to their adoptive families that effects what they are comfortable sharing. They may feel uneasy acknowledging their true interests about visiting their birth country (or perhaps the interest is not there yet, or maybe it never will be).

For kids who have an interest in their birth country but are conflicted by adoptee loyalty, their inner thoughts may sound like this: “I was always afraid to mention my interest in my birth culture or birth family. If it hurt my Mom and Dad’s feelings, and they didn’t love me anymore, who would love me?” Don’t be fooled—even kids who are “pushing your buttons” frequently acknowledge this inner conflict.


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